The best pizza you'll ever taste.
1. Roll and flatten bread dough into a large circle.
2. Pour tomato sauce over the dough.
3. Sprinkle cheese over the dough.
4. Add any toppings you like on the cheese.
5. Place the pizza in the oven and set the cooking time.
6. When the pizza's finished cooking, take it out of the oven.
7. Use our Knifette to slice the pizza with a breeze. It'll be very easy to make the slices the same sizes!

Castle Cake
This cake looks big enough to live in.
1. Place flour, eggs, and butter in our Bowlex.
2. Stir the batter until it looks mixed enough.
3. Place the batter in the oven and set the cooking time.
4. When the batter's finished cooking, take it out of the oven.
5. Repeat this at least four more times, using less batter every time.
6. Place each batter on the previous one.
7. Cover the batter stack with frosting and add any toppings you like.

Pie Dye
It's a rainbow in there...
1. Swiftly cut up a variety of fruit with our Knifette.
2. Place the pieces of fruit in the pan.
3. Place the pie crust over the pieces of fruit.
4. Place the pie in the the oven and set the cooking time.
5. When the pie's finished cooking, take it out of the oven.

Tyranno Taco
A dinosaur's cuisine.
1. Use our Forkster to put many different kinds of food on a large taco shell.
2. Place the taco in the microwave and the set the cooking time.
3. When the taco's finished cooking, take it out of the oven.
4. Sprinkle the taco with flavoring and/or squeeze condiments like mustard or ketchup on it.